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you lead me here

! THEtraveler

x justSYAF

! HISdisplacement

October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
September 2007
September 2008

! THEjunctions

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! THEroadBuilder

deviant art

! Saturday, September 27, 2008

Guess wad? Its been another adsjkfhwuihvsakfwh 365 days
And I have no idea wad adsjkfhwuihvsakfwh means but I couldn't think of any word to use right now and it looked pretty random so...
It has been a super, duper, outrageous, cool, awesome, mysterious, unknown, super year
And nothing could be cooler cos really retarded stuff DO happen everyday
It's just that either:
1) YOU missed it or
2) YOU weren't part of it
Anyways this year, I dunno you know...
It's just that I've changed
I guess.

Yeah right I've changed- becoming more retarded probably
Whoa! random shoutout!
Wireless networks sucks
It just like totally disconnected as I'm typing this
And suddenly when it reconnects again, one whole row of ppl signing online pops up
Dumbass connection -.-
And I can't play dota as efficiently as before
It always lags halfway and I'll end up dying or smth or I'll just get disconnected
And so...
I haven't been playing dota AT HOME for a long long time

It's like super cool and the storyline is AWESOME
But sadly I finished it in like 2 days- 8hrs of play time and like I'm regretting it right now
And I can't play DMC 4 cos I don't have a freaking PS3
And SAW V is coming out this october
So all you SAW fans better go catch it before it's too late...
But oh cmon, it's not even out yet
So how the hell are you gonna miss it?
Unless... you're like super stupid or dumb or suffering from Short Term Memory(STM)
-I wanna play a game with you-
Lol. stupid catch phrase.

Haha and I almost missed this post
As in missed updating my blog on this day
Cos its like my blog's death anniversary or smth
Which reminds me... LI LIANG!
His/Her/Its death/missing anniversary is on 24 december
And like i was planning to buy another vball and throw it into the sea or smth
Yeah... commemorate LI LIANG's MIA day!

And if anyone is reading this post, you should go to youtube and check out my videos
But so far I only got 2 so its not really much
But I bet Liz Files - Wild Boar is gonna make you laugh
At least once.
And youtube has a lot of really retarded videos too
You just gotta look harder

And the only reason why I keep rejecting them whenever they ask me to go out with them is cos I don't feel as tho I'm part of the group like before
It feels like there's a huge time gap between us or smth
Its like I don't understand anything you guys say or what
Cos everything is like... And I'm not part it of, so it's not in my memory
And it just makes me uncomfortable
And when I'm uncomfortable, I tend to speak less
Call me anti-social or whatever but that's the way I am
Sorry guys
But its just that for the past 2 years I haven't been with, seen or heard from you guys like very often and you cant expect me to act as if everything is okay
Just wanted to get that off my chest

And last but not least, before I do a summary of the past 365 days,
I just wanna say that love is weird
Well I don't think weird is the right word but
Love is not really straightforward or out in the open like Maths or Science
Love will hit ppl at the most unexpected time of their lives
ARGH wth am I saying?
Love is inevitable but don't rush it cos it will come
Its just that it will come when you least expect it
And LOVE for me(haha) comes in the form of short, round, chubby, loveable, retarded, smelly, bulliable, cute, jovial, slightly balding, huge eyebags, happiness, comforting and someone who I can just be myself with.

-I got a good conduct grade(which sucked BIGTIME)
-WTH SUCKS bigtime too
-YTVB team achieved top 4 in minicup and nationals(I'm really proud of that)
-Oh and we got 2nd in north zone
-Performed for teachers day whoo~!
-Fell in love
-Made friends with some dwarfs(haha couldn't help NOT saying it)
-Hais... this sucks. can't rmb anything much now... it's like i suddenly have stm. no wonder its not good to update your blog once a year
-Bought a video cam(got ripped off by like $300)
-Got a lot of really retarded videos in my com
-Went for NIKE RUN! (actually didnt run lah... only went for the concert)
-Got MIO TV(which means I have 80 movies to watch every month)
-Got wireless connection(it sucks and I don't like it)
-Stole a vball from sch(not really steal lah... i sort of borrowed it for a really long time and nobody brought it up so yeah...)
-Gonna chiong for O levels for the next few weeks
-Gonna start playing beach vball when I go to JC
-Maybe clarence and me are going to US to study in a University(inspired by Harold and Kumar)
-Btw, ppl should watch Harold and Kumar too(its retarded and is exactly smth like clarence and me)
-Played with candles during eve of mid-autumn festival(made a mushroom smoke bomb)
-Laughed a lot and really hard until the back of my head hurt
-Scolded a lot of vulgarities at once(which was kinda cool, I didn't know I could do that)
-Become more thoughtful(hey! I think abt others too okay)
-Still haven't got a new phone(my current one sucks)
-It just got freaking hot wherever I go(or is it just me?)
-Probably grew LESS slimmer(not fatter)
-Okay I hate to admit this but I didn't grow taller AT ALL!
-My tortoise is like super big right now and its walking around somewhere in the house
-I watched super loads of movies

And lots lots more but I freaking forgot
Just like how I almost forgot to blog today
I wonder if I'm ever gonna suffer from STM when I grow old
Okay that's all for this year
I'll post again next year
If memory serves...

Let's spoil the market dammit!

11:39 PM}

! Thursday, September 27, 2007

well guess wad??
it's exactly one year since i last posted!
i'm surprised that i still can remember my username and password
that means i don't have stm
i don't even know why i suddenly feel like posting smth right now
its been a crazy 365 days and er...
i dunno
loads of things happened...that's for sure
if anyone's reading this post right now...
wow! isn't that cool?
okay lame
right now i seriously can't concentrate on studying for mt paper tmr
i'm like so screwed la...zzz
i can't even use the dictionary properly
and i get easily distracted like every few minutes or so...
SEE? its true! there's no study environment at home
proven right or wad?
so i guess this is it
let me do a brief summary of the past 365 days
-sec 3 camp
-doing loads of retarded stuff
-countdowns and declarations
-learnt how to play a guitar
-songs songs songs!!!
-emo-ed a lot
-got loads of WOW
-grew taller
-became ytvb setter'o8
-fail and pass tests
-sudden hunger to study when approaching EOY
-played floorball and all sorts of weird sports
-not seeing anybody from pri sch for a LONG LONG time
-became a councillor (believe it or not?? me councillor! heheh)
-got packs, lost them and got them back again...currently losing them due to fasting
-became IT rep
-bought an ipod video and lost it in 2 mths? (that sucks...)
-still can't pronouce the letter S properly (that sucks even more...)
-still play DOTA =)
-learnt how to do smth lame while entertaining myself with my fingers
-rolled around a lot
-grewWW talLER (did i mention that already??)
-jump higher
-declaring myself as the next ruler of retardations
-having rUOhan as my advisor
-coming up with CFCJ and JJAF with eugene
-learnt how to fold paper stars
-learnt how to appreciate autistic ppl(for real)
-pink is SEXY!!!
-kicked ass
-literally kicked ass
-played soccer with a bottle in the classroom
-have too much childhood and imagination
-acting retarded with my buddies
well there's loads more but i think i shld stop for now or my brain will burst and there'll be pink clouds tmr
and pls tag on my board if you have read this post
my blog's looks like its deserted or smth
but then again i don't think anyone's reading
so tag if u did
u know u did
or else u wouldnt be here

10:55 PM}

! Wednesday, September 27, 2006

End of year exams are coming real soon
Like tomorrow...?
Anyway i guess this will be my last post until the exams are over
Gotta chiong history and geog

Monday after sch went for the chinese singing competition
Got consolation prize with qy
At least we did better than the rehearsal last thursday
Tuesday was a sch holiday
Si bei boring
Stay at home the whole day
Slping most of the time
Today wilson didnt bring my tie
So went for assembly tie-less
Aft sch nelson and sam went to my hse
Watched 40 yr old virgin
Then we went to return the videos and get my new specs
I look like a nerd wearing it
Kind of weird

Tmr is english paper
The day after tmr is mt paper
Good luck to everybody taking exams these next few weeks

8:25 PM}

! Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Last saturday was the last training until end of year exams ended
Just for the record, yk said something damn funny abt someone
Which made wj and me laugh our asses off
As in seriously laugh it off

You'll see short guys flying in 2008!
I guess hard work do pay off

After sch nelson and derrick came over to my hse to play
Pro right?
Exams coming soon still can play
Then we went to woodlands mart to borrow saw/saw 2
Unfortunately, it was rated M18
So couldnt borrow it
Wasted our time walking there
Oh bumped into nicole's friend there though
Aft that sent derrick and nelson to mrt station
Yesterday had spa test
So boring
Just measure the weight of stuffs and draw graphs
After sch went to nelson's hse this time
Spent the whole afternoon there
Took bus home with derrick
He said i needed to change one of my characters in order to do something
So i kept asking him wad
But he didnt wanna tell me
He kept asking me who nelson liked
I told you already he doesn't like anybody RIGHT NOW!
The question is still on my mind now
Wad do i need to change?
Today ms chng didnt come for home econs again
The h.e. paper was difficult
Confirm fail
We were supposed to go derrick's hse today
But nelson got training and derrick had to go somewhere
So slack awhile after sch
Then went home with qy
Slept the whole afternoon
Just woke up
Feeling hungry now
Signing out...

9:28 PM}

! Thursday, September 14, 2006

We're IN!
We're IN!
We're IN!
But i dunno whether that's a good or a bad thing for me
But right now who cares?

Today during english lesson
Ms goh made qy and me sing in front of the whole class
I told her it was an english period - no mother tongue
And she replied 'If you don't sing then it's defiance'
And i was like oh erm okay
The rest of the day was tiring
I was almost half dead during geog
Anyway after that went to dc for coming to sch late ytd
Dc wasnt so bad today
Didnt do cwo thanks to some very good counsilors
At least i didnt waste my time just to go there and sit quietly
Made some new friends
Aft dc went home straight
Tmr still got training

I'm not immature
I'm just playful =)

7:46 PM}

! Monday, September 11, 2006

Msn is temporarily unavailable
Wad a bummer...
Well at last the holidays are over
That means end of year exams are coming soon

Last friday had movie marathon at misato's hse
Saturday had to go home early cause we were going to malaysia
I wonder if that was a good thing or a bad thing
Cause today
I heard from cw that they had fun on saturday's training
Wished i was there
From today onwards, i will never miss a saturday's training again
But on the other hand
I went shopping with my family and they paid for everything
We had lunch at this really cool restaurant
Cant remember its name but it was okay
Sunday we got to work
The house is almost complete
Just a few pieces left and we coated it with varnish
Left there at 4+ and reach singapore at 10
The road trip was freaking boring as usual
Slept most of the time

Today went to sch with cw
Couldnt find my books when i reached my classroom
They were like all missing
But found them eventually
Aft sch nelson, jermyn, wj and me chionged english homework
Anyway i probably broke 3 of my sch values aft that:

Well i was at the fourth floor
And i saw ernest at the first floor
I shouted ljb at him

2)Managing Impulsivity
And he shouted cb back
Unfortunately for him, he was caught by mr yeo
Then during junior training ms tay lectured me
You know, teacher's stuff

Aft that i decided to go over to mr yeo and tell him wad really happened
While going to the pe staff room, wj was laughing at me
He said something like, 'Dumbass. Do stupid thing like this and get yourself into trouble...'
It's surprising actually
Somehow i think teachers have telepathic ability
He repeated almost EVERYTHING ms tay said

Then played bball with nelson, gl, wj, eugene, aaron, cc and jx
Then helped out with the junior's training
Aft that went home
Halfway to the mrt station, it started to rain
It got heavier and we got totally drenched
Took mrt home
I was freaking wet and water was dripping everywhere

Term four, day one
FUN! =)

10:50 PM}

! Monday, September 04, 2006

Its very late
And im supposed to be sleeping
Just finished dota-ing with aaron and his cousins
Feeling sleepy right now
So i'll make it short and simple

I think i've fallen for this really delicious chocolate
Actually it's milk chocolate so it's super sweet
Not really good for ninjas but i guess a little wont hurt
I recommend ALL you chocolate lovers out there to give it a try
Its really good
I swear

Anyway im going to malaysia tmr
Or later this aftnoon
Coming back on wednesday evening or so
I'll try to smuggle some treats back
Promise =)
Okay that's abt everything

1:33 AM}