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! THEtraveler

x justSYAF

! HISdisplacement

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! THEjunctions

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! THEroadBuilder

deviant art

! Friday, March 31, 2006

Ytd yishun town secondary sch has made history!
Yeap... History has been made!
30 March 2006
We have finally came up with a name to call ourselves
Like anderson pupils are andersonians, monfort pupils are monfortians etc.

That's wad we're called
Isn't tt cool or wad?

Anywae it was no-uniform day too ytd
Dress code was smart casual
We were even allowed to spray paint our hair
Sch ended at 1.45 and we went to play dota at yishun aft tt
Aft tt went to 7-11 to buy food
Suddenly saw orange flavoured lollipop
So decided to buy 1 for nicole coz she was asking for it since aftnoon
Then went back to sch for the musical concert at 5.30
Met up with yp ch wj n jermyn at the bus interchange
Reached sch at 5.15
Most of them were already there
Then 2e3 was selling fruity mentos
Derrick treated me to 1 tube
Haha! Thanks man! U rox!
Nicole got her lollipop
Then we went down to the hall at 5.30
We had front row seats!
But it was more to the right of the stage
And the air-con/fan thingy was blowing damn strong
So it was super cold la
I was literally freezing
And band was also sitting a few feet away from our class
So tt part of the hall was probably the most loudest
The concert was sooo rocking
Personally I enjoyed it
We went home aft it ended around 9
Got home at 9+ and found out tt my dad and bro was watching harry potter gof without me
Then went to slp at 11+
Which was like damn early for me la
And there's no sch today
Go to bed so early for wad...?

Today woke up at 11
Still got to fetch my bro frm sch ltr
I feel like playing bball
Okay i think tts abt everything...

Officially YTzens

1:37 PM}

! Monday, March 27, 2006

Last week's ptr wasnt as bad as i thought it would be
All we had to do was act guai in the day...
Hoping for a miracle so tt it'll turn out smoothly in the night
I was positive tt negative remarks abt me would come up
But i got through it, didnt i?

Today stayed in class during mt becoz our mt teacher didnt come
1 hr 20 min of free time!
Actually we did most of our unfinished hw during tt period
Then during english ms goh didnt come as well
So we spent the whole period chatting
I just dumped the compre ws on one side of the table
Then aft sch went for dc with jermyn n jet
Jermyn and i couldnt find the dc room
In the end celine brought us there
Then during dc the councilors decided to skip cwo
And we got a short break
We were supposed to be back in 10 min but we took a whole half an hr
Then went back to dc room, packed up and it was our turn to leave
How lucky can we get?
Dc wasnt as bad as ppl say
By sec 4 our new sch will have air-conditioner in the dc room
Maybe i'll go there once every week
Aft tt i went for the c boys training
There was a small pool around the outdoor court due to the stupid rain
Then while playing i suddenly decided to take off my shoes
Aft awhile holes appeared in my socks! HOLES!
So i took them off too and threw them away
Played until ms tan pp caught me barefooted
Plus i was in sch uniform
Double shit!
Maybe i shld have just gone home aft dc and played dota...
So got lectured abt not playing in sch u while barefooted especially on the outdoor court blah blah blah...
Aft training went home at 7+
So tired... Still got compre to do
Haiz... Sianx...

The World Is Black
by Good Charlotte

Turn on channel seven at a quarter to eight
You see the same damn thing it's just a different day
And no one really knows why this is happening

8:49 PM}

! Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Yay! It works! Wohoo!
I can finally play dota on my com
That means no more wasting money at arcades
But it lags...
Just got back frm training
The b boys training are super tough and it lasts until 9 at night
So reached home at 10+
Still got hw to do

This morning was pulled out by ms tan becoz of personal grooming
And she gave me dc for...
Can u guys believe this?
Im given dc just becoz i didnt cut my finger nails
Thats the most bogus thing i've ever heard
Then during sci the stupid alcohol and iodine crystal solution dropped onto my finger
And it turned orange instantly!
I went to tell mr foo and he just said 'Oh! Sry... Die lo'
I dun believe this!
One bad thing aft another...
Then during p.e. the vball guys decided to walk throughout the 2.4km
Then aft tt mr lo came to us and asked for our timing
We told him 18 min+
Then he was like shaking his head and said 'Prideless...'
I was like wtf? Do i need to pass my 2.4 just becoz im in vball?
Excuse me! But i got 10.40 for last year's 2.4 okay
Then during english, ms goh reprimanded me just becoz i lost my english holiday hw
Sry la! But i photocopied it ytd liao lo
Aft sch went home to change
Then went to ch hse to play dota with sam
Went to training at 5.30 at nyjc
The training was so tough
And we went to gym again aft tt to do p.t.
Aft tt went home, exhausted and hungry

Its only the second day of the new term
And so many bad things have already happened to me
Wad abt the whole term?
Am i really gonna die like mr foo said?
Only time can tell...

11:03 PM}

! Thursday, March 16, 2006

I've finally come to a conclusion tt...
To all dota-ers out there
Dun play unless u're using battlenet

Yesterday went to play dota with gl yp jf n aaron
$4 gone for 2hrs
Then went for training quite late
Touched the vballs like for 1hr plus then went home
Wad a waste of time... AND MONEY!
Then while walking home with clarence n wei jie the bball girls kept saying 'excuse me! no. 5! excuse me!'
So we decided to walk faster
Then talk abt dota... So sianx
Then went to cut my hair in the evening

This morning woke up at 11 plus
Then jf invited me to go play dota with him
So went to yishun at 12
When i reached there jf was saying 'my bus still haven come yet'
Luckily met wei jie and his friend
So played like 1hr
Then we were late by only 5 min and the whole team left us!
Can u believe it?! JUST 5 MORE FREAKING MINUTES!
Okay nvm lo! So chun wei had to wait for us at the bus stop like 15 min
Then went to nyjc with him
It was super big n cool!
The hall was super huge!
Aft tt listen to jiao lian talk for awhile then kai n sar qiu
Then we played 2 sets with our seniors
First set almost win 24-26
Then second set jiao lian called clarence and me to play in the b boys main spiker position
Aft tt went to the gym
It was 3 times bigger than our sch gym la
Then carried weights and did p.t.
Aft tt went home
Then in the bus we talked abt... DOTA!

Dun u guys get sick of playing it almost everyday?!
I know i do! Im starting to get sick of it
Tmr maybe playing dota again...
Maybe i shld save money tmr
I only got $7.20 left until the 23rd of march
Sad huh...?

8:38 PM}

! Tuesday, March 14, 2006

by Ashlee Simpson

I threw away my phone
I thought that you should know
I'd throw away my home
If I had somewhere to go
Anything to stop
The circle in my brain
Anything is better than you
Making me feel lame

28 days to kick the habit
28 days to let you go
28 days and I'll be on my own

All my life I've been sorry for something
Something gets me nothing and nothings such a waste
All this time I've been sayin I'm sorry
But why should I be sorry for all of your mistakes

Why should I be sorry

I've had enough of you
Please forget my name
I'm runnin around on empty
Still tryin to get away
Anything to kill
The consciousness of you
Anything to end myself
Before the thought of you

28 days to kick the habit
28 days to let you go
28 days and I'll be on my own

All my life I've been sorry for something
Something gets me nothing and nothings such a waste
All this time I've been sayin I'm sorry
But why should I be sorry for all of your mistakes

Now you'll know what it feels like to bite your tongue
Now you'll know what it feels like to be the one
Who walks around with knots in your stomach
I've been there, and I've done it
And now you'll know what it feels like
To always be afraid
Of everything you wanted to say
Who's sorry now
Who's sorry now
Who's sorry now

All my life I've been sorry for something
Something gets me nothing and nothings such a waste
All this time I've been sayin I'm sorry
But why should I be sorry for all of your mistakes

All my life I've been sorry for something
Something gets me nothing and nothings such a waste
All this time I've been sayin I'm sorry
But why should I be sorry for all of your mistakes

Who's sorry now?

6:47 PM}

! Sunday, March 12, 2006

Its been 4hrs since i got back frm misato's bdae party
So for the past 24hrs i dunno whether i shld consider myself lucky or sway
But most likely its gotta be sway
Yesterday aftnoon met up with luke n kh at yishun to get the present
Then played dota until song
Aft tt went to kh hse n met up with johnny
It was already 5.30 and kh was still playing dota
In the end we got there quite late
Nanny came ltr than us lo
And she also left so early
Then during the bbq my thumb got burnt by the hot tongs
So aft dinner we went to play vball
Then 1 of the balls drop in the swimming pool
So I went down to throw a float to pull it back
Then suddenly dunno someone push me frm behind
Lol! Then i fell into the pool and got totally drenched
And wads worst my hp was in my pocket
At first it looked perfectly normal
But then it literally began to die!
Then it really died! Died! As in went dead!
Okay so tt was only the start of things
Then when we went back to her hse luke kh n wk locked themselves up in the toilet doing some guys stuff and without me too!
So i was left in the room with johnny n bogus dude
Then took turns to shower and change
Aft tt we were literally slacking
So sianx...
Then at 12 we went down to watch horror movie
Haha! Frm 12 all the way till 6
Got breaks in btw la
Johnny is seriously an idiot lo
Everytime we gonna doze off then got scary part, he will call us to wake up
But he was a comfortable pillow tho
Then slpt at like 6am in the morning
Got up at 8am or shld i say woken up at 8am
They were already gonna go for breakfast outside and i was like 'Huh?! So early?'
So quickly go brush teeth then go out
Walked like 2 bus stops away and had our breakfast at mac
Then walked around thompson plaza for awhile
Then waited for kh's bus to come
While waiting we had nth better to do so we started to swing our legs together and do kallang wave
Aft tt went back to misato's hse
Played drums!
Okay! I gotta admit it! I suck at drumming!
Sry for being slow la!
Wk got the beat in like less than a min
And i was like struggling with it
Damn hands! Cant coordinate properly!
Right is right! Left is left!
Wtf! So damn bloody hard!
And misato was like 'U gotta feel the beat!'
Then when i played too fast, she'll be like 'Slowly la kan chiong!'
Then when i played too slow, she'll be like 'Why are u playing it so slow? Faster hit la!'
Girls... So ma fun!
Aft tt went to bus stop and waited for our buses to come
Then while waiting we talked then it logically came to a conclusion tt misato's my jinx
Come to think of it, its quite true lo
Haha! First my mp3! Then my li liang! Now my hp!
Okay now at home...
Rotting to death...
I feel like playing bball now!
Haha! Am i lame or wad?


4:05 PM}

! Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Okay today was a rather lousy day for me
Im fucking pissed off with most of my team mates except for some
They just dun understand how important today's match was for us
Those ass...
Oh yea btw something matured happened to me this morning when i woke up
Haha! I was wondering why my pants had a sticky stuff on it
Glue...? Haha i dun think so...
Okay so u guys shld know wad it is by now
So everyone was like congratulating me in sch when i told them
First i got mao, now this
It means im going through puberty liao!
Okay then aft sch we went for the match
Jiao lian said tt if we could win 2-0 then we're confirmed in the top 8 liao
We won the first set but for some reasons we totally lost the last 2 sets
And im like fucking pissed at them la
Then in the bus they were like not even giving a fuck abt the match
Shit them la
To them its like lose then lose lo
Why dun u guys go and die or something...
Then when the bus was reaching sch, I started to cry for no reason
Okay maybe not for no reason
But its the pure fact tt i do give a damn abt today's match
It was so precious to me
Plus we were winning in the first place
I cant believe they just let the other team win...
Then in sch all my friends n teachers saw me crying
So freaking paiseh...
Then i tried to stop but it just got worst...
Damn tears...
I hate life right now okay n i totally feel like shit
Anyway i just wanna say tt today sucked terribly
And i hope i dun see another vball for the rest of the day...
Oh yea! I also wanna wish misato a happy birthday!
You're finally 14 but u look more like 12
Lol! Okay maybe 13 la
So tts abt everything...
Tmr haunted hse must go help out as a guide
Come visit my class haunted hse
Support 2E4!

9:38 PM}

! Monday, March 06, 2006

Last week was kind of a crazy week for me
There were highs and lows
But i think there were more lows than highs
Okay so last week was definitely nt the best week in my life
But to start a gd monday by losing our first match in the nationals is like freaking bogus la
Dun feel like talking abt the match right now
A lot of unfortunate things happen to us
And they happened this morning!
Why?! Out of all the monday mornings! Why must it be this monday morning?!
6 March 2006!
Our jiao lian almost went bongkas lo
All his 3 teams lost today
He literally went crazy while driving gl n me home this evening
He suddenly said he wanted to get drunk tonight
Then tmr newspaper will come out front page:
'Drunk coach assaulting innocent people with VoLLeYbaLLs from the trunk of his car'
Okay kinda bogus but it could happen
Jiao lian! Dun take it to heart! We still gt hope!
2 more matches to go!

Yi Dao! Jia you!

9:51 PM}

! Thursday, March 02, 2006

It's finally march!
Which means tt the nationals are coming very very very soon
It starts like on next week
Correction! Whole of next week!
Monday, wednesday n friday
Anyway secondly, misato bdae is on next wed
Just a quick reminder
Dun forget to buy presents for her guys!
Okay now tts done back abt sch

During recess sam, jermyn, qi yian n me were waiting for both ms tans outside the staff room
We were supposed to go to 4e4's haunted hse together but ms tan pp dun really wanna support them because of some reasons which totally pissed us off
So in the end we spent recess watching ppl kicking soccer at 2n2 fund raising
Haiz... Then during training...
I made an interesting discovery!
Okay kinda lame but at least better than nth
Haha! Now clarence or anyone for tt matter cant call me maoless anymore!
Anywae I was totally pissed off while training because some of them were just playing a fool n having fun
Then while playing match ms tay pulled jermyn n me aside
She said tt SOME teachers were complaining abt us because we didnt hand in our hw on time
I was like totally clueless lo
And I was literally scratching my head till it hurt
I seriously cant remember abt not handing up any hw late
Well we'll just have to wait n see wad'll happen tmr
Just hope tt I'm not wrong abt this
I positively dun think I have done anything wrong lo
Adults are sooo ma fun...
One little mistake n tt's it
Oh yea! And wei jie's a total idiot
Haha! Still wondering how he made the eraser came out of his freaking nose
That's abt everything for today
Yi Dao! Jia you for nationals!

7:32 PM}