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! THEtraveler

x justSYAF

! HISdisplacement

October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
September 2007
September 2008

! THEjunctions

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! THEroadBuilder

deviant art

! Thursday, January 26, 2006

It's been a very long week
Study, train n eat n slp
Wa! So sianx!
Btw i got a new tagboard liao
Go check it out!

Last weekend!
Went to nach hse to play bball with luke, kh n misato
Nach wasnt free though
Not fun le playing bball without her
Haiz... Quite sianx la
N misato! U still haven return my hse keys yet...

Went to Dunman as usual aft sch
Took taxi again
Haiz... So ex but jiao lian say must reach there asap
So no choice lar
Pay money lo... ~*$*~
So gt there early as expected
Then started to play aft warm up
Sadly this time for some reason we lost
Lost! But nt until trashed though
Haiz... Sad man! =(
Waste money only!
N our excuse was, "Jiao lian sry la! But we needa conserve energy for tmr's match mah"

Our second match in north zone!
Against anderson sec!
Gt excuse letter from clarence in the morning
Then during pe we didnt go for the 1.5km jog with the others
Instead we ran around the parade square like 20 times
Lolx! Fun sia! =)
Then at exactly 12, according to the class clock, we met at the forth floor toilet as usual
Aft dat we took our 'slow walk' down the corridor
Then played with the vballs while waiting for the bus to arrive
Reached xin min at around 1+
Did warm up while waiting for our match to begin
Then went to check out their toilets
Clarence went into the gal's toilet n we almost followed him in
Walao! Cant even tell the difference between a gal's n a boy's toilet
Might as well lead us right into a longkang...
Our match started at around 2+
First set trashed them 25-4
OK! Seriously, we also nvr thought dat we could trash them lo
Sry johnny but a ytvb player gotta do wad he's gotta do
So second set we decided to cool down a bit
The end result was 25-13
Lolx! Better then nth right...

Went to sch as usual at 8+
Sooo exhausted...
First thing gt into class then everybody started asking, "Win or lose? Win or lose"
So we told them we lost terribly
Lol! N some of them even bought the crap!
Suddenly from out of no where the morning announcement was made
Then the results of last night's match was told
Aft dat the whole block next to us suddenly erupted in cheers
Lol! I wasnt expecting the results to be told so early lo
So paiseh...

Aft sch went for training
The last training we're gonna have b4 chinese new year celebrations
N the sec 1s were going for their first training too
Which means sry ferd... U have no choice but to train u're basics with them
During training played match with our seniors
Sec 1 still doing their basics
We all were like...
Been there done dat...

Yeah! VoLLeYbaLL Is SoOo RoCkInG!
Yi Dao! Zettai Katsu all the way man!

11:06 PM}

! Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Wa! So long didnt post liao
The homework are sooo in and nth's actually coming out of it
And our trainings are getting more tougher

Last week!
Well cant really remember wad happened
But I noe its a boring week
Only made some new friends
And trainings are held outdoor as usual

Went to Dunman aft sch
Waited for jermyn to finish his hw
Then took 2 cabs from sun plaza
$15.30! Correction... $15.30 PER cab!
So was planning to win all the sets
But lost 2 out of 6 sets which is equivalent to $10.20 exactly!
Wad a waste of money man
Then while going home I made a horrific discovery
I got pimples on my forehead!!!
And the rest of the guys just laugh n said dat it was natural in puberty
Walao! It's a nightmare lor!
And I'm like only 13+!

It's finally here!
North Zone...
Went to sch as usual
And got excuse letter aft recess
Then half an hr aft recess met the rest of the team at the fourth floor toilet
So aft wearing the jers everyone slowly walked down the corridor
Dun say we show off la!
But its tradition in ytss to walk down the corridor while going for tournaments
Aft dat ate then waited like another half an hr b4 miss tay arrived
She came carrying a big container with 6 h2o bottles in it
Then in the bus we were abt to leave sembawang then suddenly remembered dat we forgot to bring the balls
So went back to sch n wasted like 15 mins
When finally reach xin min we still had to go up to the hall which was sooo freaking high
Sooo many stairs...
Got to the hall then did warm up
Aft dat waited awhile longer b4 we could use the court
Then started playing aft a bit more warming up
Won the first set then coach say he not happy with the score
So second set try to trash them but win like the first set
Aft the match got scolded by coach
He said we're not performing up to our standard
Then he told us to go reflect on it
So in the bus we...
Then woke up we were already back in sch
Then suddenly remember dat we still had to take the compre test
So we quickly ate lunch then went back up to the classroom
Got there n everyone was rdy for the test
But luckily the teacher still haven reach yet
Still got enough time to change into my pe attire at the back of the classroom
Then while taking the test I was like gonna fall asleep again
So exhausted...
Aft the test went home with gl

YaY! Todae won the first match in North Zone!
Yi Dao! Jia You! Keep it up!
North Zone here we come!

6:29 PM}

! Saturday, January 07, 2006

Finally the boring holidays are over
Was starting to wonder if it'll ever come to an end

Took 962 to sch
Had to miss a bus just becoz it was totally crowded n nobody wanted to move to the back
Nice way to start the first dae of sch huh?
Miss the bus...
Then the next bus arrived like 20 min ltr
It was also crowded but who cares
Chiong arh! Then some of the passengers were looking at me...
Stare wad stare?! Buei song arh?!
Like it or not I still gotta go to sch too u noe
Got to sch then my classroom was like so far...

Aft sch went for training
As usual train at outdoor court
Weather was damn bad
It was pouring very heavily
So training was cancelled
Instead we pumped the new VoLLeYbaLLs
15 of them! All new ones!
Then do a bit of P.T.
Aft dat went home

CCA Selection Day!
Aft sch quickly ate lunch then went to outdoor court
Coach came early
Then took out the NEW balls and started playing
Then the sec 1s arrived
So cool!
Was playing then suddenly it started to rain
So everyone went up to the hall
Then coach told us to do P.T. downstairs
Haiz... Can't even stay to watch the selection
So reluctantly do P.T.
Then the rain stopped
So went back to outdoor court and play
Aft selection coach came down with a sec 1 dude
He was short but who cares...
He was obviously in!
OK! So he wasn't a noob in VoLLeYbaLL
Can serve, receive n set
But he sure can't spike like me!
Arh wad was his name again...?
Lol! Can't really remember...
Then it started to rain again
So stopped training n went home

Aft sch we waited for jermyn to finish his journal
Then went to zhong hua for friendly match
They were having some rehearsal at the hall
Probably for their sec 1s
So we played in the hall with so many ppl watching
Actually it was quite fun la
At least got spectators
This time we really performed
While playing clarence accidentally spiked 1 of the zhong hua dude's face
He got pissed then he went home
Walao! Wad do u expect from VoLLeYbaLL?!
Surely must have injury sometimes right?
Then aft the match met qian yi at the front gate while leaving

WoW! North Zone coming in lesser than 2 weeks time
So fast! Anywae best of luck to all the sch competing!
Yi Dao! Jia You!

9:15 PM}