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you lead me here

! THEtraveler

x justSYAF

! HISdisplacement

October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
September 2007
September 2008

! THEjunctions

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! THEroadBuilder

deviant art

! Friday, December 30, 2005

Went to Dunman for friendly match with them n ngee ann gals
Cool huh?
Did warm up as usual then we started off with ngee ann
This time clarence was here
So the result is most likely will win
OK win, lose then win again
Quite sad huh?
Got capiton but still cannot win every set
Then played with Dunman another 3 sets
Win, lose, win
OK la! Second set we were just goofing around so we lost
But we were supposed to win dat 1 too...
Then went home n slept like...
Almost the whole dae...?

Just got back from zhong hua in coach's car
Woke up at 7
Was supposed to meet my team at 7.15
So rushed like mad
When I got to Yishun
Only gl was waiting for me
The rest was already on their way to jurong
I was late like only 3 mins lor
Can't even wait for a little while longer arh? Kan chiong...
So eager to see chio bu for wad?
But unfortunately for them, they also cannot play match without a setter n a sub-set
So gl n me were waiting for jermyn
Waited like from 7.25 to 7.50
Sooo long...
But it was worth it
Then met up with clarence at jurong east mrt station
The others already left for boon lay
Walao! Call urself a team...
Can't even wait for ur setter
Then finally re-unite at boon lay interchange
Took bus to jurong sec
Nice sch... Very big!
Their hall was like 3 storey high
OK maybe it was only 2 n a half storey high
So finally got there then did warm up
Then started playing
OK! I gotta admit...
I dun find any of the jurong C gals chio
So we were playing... n winning... probably trashing
Then I was the first n only person hu played an A ball
Wohoo! Got thunder sumore!
Watch out! My spiking can kill u noe!
Aft dat the B gals came
They played 2 sets with us
OK! I find this VERY VERY VERY shocking...
N the ordinaries are probably gonna find it shocking too
One of the B gals looked exactly like misato
It's just dat she's taller, tougher n she was playing as main spiker
Hohoho! Shocking huh?
So played n didn't lose so badly in the first set
But got trashed in the second
Their spiking so strong n receiving so gd
Then rest for awhile then played with the C gals again
OK! I'm not gonna lie but i dun think i shld brag abt it too
I accidentally "bumped" - as it made contact with one of the gal's upper body
OK! I've spoken enough...
U guys will probably noe the rest of the story...
But in the end the guys got jealous n I had to say sry to the whole team
I noe u guys will do anything just to be me for dat moment, right?
But too bad u aren't n datz dat! Hahaha!
Then went to zhong hua in the aftnoon
Took mrt from lakeside to serangoon
Sooo far...
But at least got sumthing to talk abt
Aft reached serangoon mrt station, we ate chicken rice at a coffee shop nearby
Then went to zhong hua to play
Walao! So tired! N the team was like gonna die like dat!
Haiz... Dun even have to tell u wad happened next
We lost like shit!
Then coach offered us a ride home
Actually it was supposed to be only gl n me
But jf, jiex n ah pui tagged along
OK! Not only was it spaceless... It also stinked!
Wtf u guys did to ur jerseys!?
Then dropped jf, jiex n ah pui at Yishun
Then went to petrol station for awhile
Aft dat went home
Sooo exhausting but it was fun
The A ball, the misato look-a-like, the "bump", n the ride home
Anywae I think I better stop here
I still got like 3 more holidae hw to complete
Haiz... So much hw... So little time...

Sch holidaez ending in 4 daez time...
So psyched abt the selection for the VoLLeYbaLL sec 1 team next year!
We're finally gonna be seniors! Wohoo!

5:47 PM}

! Monday, December 26, 2005

Dear Li Liang,

To my dearest VoLLeYbaLL which drifted out to sea by accident.

Syaf; =(

11:07 PM}


Went to J8 to buy tidbits for the class gathering
Went out with luke as usual
Met kh, wk n zh at NTUC Fair Price
They bought so many stuff
Xiao arh!? It's just a gathering for god sake...
Then went to kh's hse to keep the things
Then went to nach's hse to play bball
Aft dat went home
So dat was thursdae...

Aft training took taxi to east coast
Brought li liang along
A decision I regretted ltr on...
Wa! The trip sooo long
Luckily kh paid half of the fair
Reached there n saw zh, jiax, junx, johnny n wk playing cards
Played until the rest got back
Then played awhile longer then went to get the bbq pit
Aft dat started the bbq
This time only used a few fire starters to start the fire unlike last year
Now we r more experienced according to luke
Then while bbq-ing luke n johnny went to buy satay
Then eat n bbq, eat n bbq lor
Then johnny started playing with the remaining fire starters
Then luke, kh n junx joined him
Suddenly got big fire
Got ppl complain abt us
Then got warned by 2 adults
Lol! Aft dat we cleaned up
Quite fun to waste their water...
Ltr the water bill shoot over the top
Then luke n junx went home
Then went to beach with li liang
Played n got wet trying to save li liang from being pulled out to sea
Then misato, zh n johnny got wet too
Aft dat went to a big old rock
Sat there n shouted stupid stuffs which was cool
Typical 6.8'04 - Alwaez doing idiotic but cool stuff
Then played sumore n got more wet
Then went back to the big rock
When I got there, misato was saying sumthing like she dropped li liang into the sea
Omg! Datz my coach's ball!
I wanted to go down n get it but they said they dun wan to be on the front page of tml's newspaper
So I just watched as li liang floated further into the sea
Li liang was gone... So sad! =(
N I didn't even do anything... Actually, it was more to - I COULDN'T!
Now I noe how tom hanks felt when he lost wilson in cast away
So sad! =(
Then kh threw a coconut into the sea so dat li liang wunt be so lonely
Then we made up stories on wad was gonna happen to li liang while walking back to the chalet
Aft dat everyone took a bath 1 by 1
Then watched tv till quite late then we went to sleep
The gals slept on the bed
Kh slept solo on half of the pull-out beds
Then johnny joined him
Jiax, wk, zh n me slept on another pull-out bed
Wa! So uncomfortable but better than nth...

Woke up at 7 like dat
Then went back to sleep till 8+
Then watched tv until the rest woke up
Then talked abt last night
The guys kept on saying dat I snore...
Yea wadeva... I think they only talking crap
How come the gals nvr heard anything last night but u guys did!?
How weird... Or shld I say bogus...
Then kh woke up at 10
Then started to clean up
Aft dat we checked out n went to the beach for awhile to pay respect to li liang
I even wrote a testimonial on the sand for him!
Then went to bus stop n took 13 back to Yio Chu Kang
Wa! The trip was longer on the bus!
Sooo sianx!
Then took mrt to admiralty with johnny
Ate lunch there then went home
Got home then took a shower then slept
So exhausted...
Still got to go to misato's christmas party ltr dat night
Woke up at 5.15
Called luke n met zh at sun plaza to buy the gifts
Then took bus from bishan interchange to misato's hse
Got there at around 7+
Then sat at the backyard
Talk abt last year
Then played cards n ate turkey
Then played soccer
Was playing then suddenly my pants tore!
Omg! The hole was quite big!
So went back to her hse to change my pants
Then talked awhile more
Then zh had to go home
It was only 9.30...
So we send him to the bus stop
Then played police n thief with misato's frens n relatives
Played like 2 rounds then went back to her hse
Then cut cake n ate lor
Then played card games
Aft dat exchanged gifts n went home
It was damn late lor
Like 12+ but luckily still got bus
Got home then watched tv until 4+ then slept
Cool huh? Still can sleep so late aft partying...

Woke up at 11.15
Missed the first half of gundam seed destiny
Then watched tv till 5
Then luke called
Say wanna send misato off at the airport but in the end nvr go
So pissed off at him...
Haiz... So dat was my week...
Cool huh?


9:50 PM}

! Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Yesterdae woke up at 11 n went for training as usual
During MST everyone was graded on their skills
Wow! My serving n spiking got 8!
Aft dat went for lunch
Talked abt boy's stuff
Then went back to sch
Coach wasn't there yet so we went to the fitness corner
Played on the shaky wooden board n climbed the ropes
N talked sumore abt...
Wad? Sex education arh?
Coach had gd news for us the moment he arrived
We were going to have a friendly match with Ngee Ann gals
Cool! Then everybody was like dancing n cheering?
Too bad capiton cannot go
Miss all the chio bu
Aft training went home
Couldn't slp the whole nite...ZzZzZ

Todae woke up extra early but fell aslp again
Then woke up again slightly late
Quickly got rdy then meet the rest at Yishun
The trip was sooo far but it was worth it
Must go all the wae to Tampinies
Got there n did warm up
Aft dat coach came
Talk wad crap...
Cannot lose to gal la
Ltr lose face...
Blah blah blah...
Then started the match
Their receiving is damn gd lor
Cannot kill le
Lost first set
Then took back the second
Aft dat lost all the wae till the last set
Trashed them 25-5
Overall they won us la
4 sets to 2
Taiko! W8 till capiton come back u all no hope liao
Then their no. 8 was like flirting with us!?
She definitely got the attitude
Ok wadeva...
Then walked to coffee shop to have lunch
Then walked sumore to Dunman
Reached there n rest for awhile
Then did warm up n started the match with Dunman
Ok win then went home
Walao! My whole body aching man
Then talked abt virgins n non-virgins
Suddenly Ah Pui asked, "Wad's a virgin?"
Walao! Make me laugh until my cheeks muscle pain
Then my hips suddenly got muscle cram
Wtf! How unlucky can a guy get!?
Went home aft dat
Fell aslp on the bus...ZzZzZ
Sooo exhausted...

Clarence! Faster come back from China!
I wanna go to Ngee Ann Sec again!!!
I just gotta see no. 8 again!

6:32 PM}

! Thursday, December 15, 2005

Todae was exhausting but fun
Woke up at 7 n got ready for friendly match with Zhong Hua
Went to Yishun bus interchange as usual
Waited for everyone to arrive
Then took bus to Zhong Hua
Reached there then met coach
Got bad news...
Hall n outdoor court cannot use!
Walao! Come all the wae there then no match
Coach suggested us to go to our sch to play
He took them there in his car
So we took MRT back to Sembawang
The trip was sooo long...
Then reached Sun Plaza they sae they hungry
So went to 7-11 for awhile
They bought instant noodles
We were already late for god sake!
Reached our sch at 10+
Coach scold us then we had to jog
Aft dat did warm up n started the match
The outdoor court was sooo freaking lousy
The wind was sooo strong
The sun was damn bloody hot
N there was a lot of puddles around the court
Cannot perform...
Gay weather...
Hate it!
Then aft the match coach asked 6 of us to follow him to Dunman for another match
So we go lor
All 7 of us crammed up into his car
5 ppl sat at the back
4 of us were sitting ON the chair
N I was sitting on 2 of them
Sooo painful!
My butt was like aching all the wae lor
N my head was touching the top of the car
Thankfully the car was running low on fuel
So we stopped at a petrol station for awhile
Waaa! Pit stop! Pit stop! Heng arh... Phew!
Then coach went to pack chicken rice for us at a nearby coffee shop
Aft dat we went to Dunman
This time I sat ON the chair
Reached Dunman then ate the chicken rice
It was veri filling
Then waited for awhile b4 we started
Played 5 sets with them
Then went back home in coach car
He offered to send us home
I sat on top again
Sooo painful!
Nvm! Muz tahan...
Finally got to Yishun
2 of them got off
Phew! More space!
Then 2 more got off at Sembawang
Wohoo! No more butt crams!
Then coach drop us at Admiralty
Aft he left then I realised...
I left my handphone in the car!
Went home aft dat lor
Sooo tiring... ZzZzZ

5:16 PM}

! Sunday, December 11, 2005

This week is really not the best week of my life...

Juz stayed at home
Nth to do
So sianx...
Nobody calls anymore...

Tuesdae n Wednesdae!
Went for our first MST!
Air conditioned room
Sweets n tidbits
Then went for training
Played on monkey bar
Got a couple of blisters on my left hand
So painful!
Bloody blisters totally gave wae during training
Couldn't even set a damn ball
Suffered like shit, man!

Rest n recover for friendly match on Fridae

Friendly at Zhong Hua again
This time we lost quite badly
So sad! =(

Todae went out with Luke n Kong Hock!
Wad a lousy dae to play basketball...
Titaya was at Malaysia so no court
Kong Hock didn't have basketball so couldn't play
Wee Kuang n Misato couldn't come so no fun
Jun Xian didn't picked up his phone so no ball
Totally a lousy dae to play basketball...
Kong Hock was pissed off
So we went to Mushroom for awhile
Talk talk talk
The usual boy's stuff
Actually it was more like digging secrets out of each other
Then went to central
Sent Luke to his grandfather's hse
Then went to play lan with Kong Hock
Aft dat went home lor...
Had dinner outside

Maple Story rots ur brain!
It literally ROTS!!!

11:42 PM}

! Saturday, December 03, 2005

Waaa!!! So long nvr post liao
Dunno if I can recall everything this week

Went to Luke's hse to play badminton
Ended up looking for shuttlecocks
Aft dat went up to his hse to take tennis rackets
Played tennis at the void deck
Then went up again
Cooked instant noodles
Then played card games
Aft dat set up table to play table tennis
Played for awhile
It was veri noisy so we stopped
Next thing we knew, we were playing baseball
Then watched TV n played com until 10
Aft dat went home

Tuesdae to Thursdae!

Tuesdae went for training
Walao! The weather was like shit man!
One moment hot
Then cold
Then windy
Went home aft dat
My VoLLeYbaLL shoes are starting to stink

Wednesdae slept at home
Nth to do mah
Mum confiscated the modem coz electricity bill was damn high
Lol! Wadeva!
Not my fault one! Really...

Thursdae went for training
Omg! Setter still sick!
Cannot come for training!
But the next dae got friendly match with Zhong Hua le!
Weather sux as usual again
It kept on raining...
Why muz train outdoors!?
Cannot train in the hall meh!?
My shoes starting to turn green liao la!

Fridae went to Zhong Hua again for friendly match
Cool toilets...
It's like 10 times bigger n better than our's
Warmed up then started the match
I became the setter!
Sweet! Nice position le!
Played best of 5
First set win
Second n third set lost
Forth n fifth set took the game
WoW! First time win Zhong Hua le!
Then took a break...
Then played best of 3
Win first set
Lost second set
Won the game again!
WoW! We ARE getting better!
Overall the score was 5 sets to 3!
Then went to 7-11 to buy food
So damn hungry man...
Then went home lor
Got home sooo late

Why am I feeling sooo nervous for the P6!?

4:25 PM}