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you lead me here

! THEtraveler

x justSYAF

! HISdisplacement

October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
September 2007
September 2008

! THEjunctions

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! THEroadBuilder

deviant art

! Monday, October 31, 2005

Todae nth out of the ordinary happened
Sent my bro to sch in the morning
Come back then go online until 9.30
I still dun understand y I should wake up sooo damn early on a sunny Mondae morning
Took a shower then went to sch at 10 for some talk...
Reached there at 9.45 then Ms Hao said dat the time changed to 10.30
Walao! But luckily most of my frenz were already there
We talked so much dat we barely realised the time passing by
The boys went for their dental appointment
Then went to AVA room for the talk
It ended at 11.30
Then went to lan shop with frenz
Played CS for 2 hrs
Then changed n went for training
Todae's training was to watch seniors playing with Dunman Sec
Watch n learn
Watch them play until song... =)
See them spike I also wanna do the same 1 of this daez
Then senior's coach asked us to jump n touch the basketball net
Piece of cake! =P
Did dat until 7 then chiong all the wae to bubble tea shop
The queue quite long...
Some more got ppl cut queue... =(
Sooo rude! No manners!
Then watched ppl playing Initial-D outside arcade again
Maybe it has become our daily routine... =)
Anywae got home at 7.45
Got scolded by my mum again...
She's still nagging now...
Wonder when she'll stop...
It' starting to get annoying actually...
Anywae tml nth to do
Somebody plz save me from dying of boredom!

8:12 PM}

! Friday, October 28, 2005

Todae received results...
Sooo happy! =)
Wonder wad I'll get for getting 5th in class n 56th position throughout the level
Hoping to get more time to hang out or simply just slack...
Slackest Slacker Slack
Watched parade done by UG in the morning to sae farewell to the sch n our dear principal, Mr Tan Teck Hock
Gd luck in ur further studies n hope dat u will alwaez remember us in ur heart!
Aft dat went back to class to get report book
Walao wei! Missed an A1 for Science by juz 1 bloody mark! =(
Maths missed A2 by 2 marks... So sad =(
Anywae no A1s but got a couple of A2s
Aft dat we went to the hall again...
Watched a presentation abt the Sec 1s this year
Sooo cool... I was in it!
Then aft sch, Ms Tay wanted to meet us
Got scolded by her for not switching off the fans in the hall as we were the last to use it yesterdae... =(
Went to arcade aft dat n played Initial-D n CS
Saw Ms Sng in the MRT while going home
Greeted her so loudly but she didn't reply... Sad huh =(
Then went home n realised dat it was finally over...
The year sooo fast over liao...
Now wad?
Well, hopefully some P6es from Anderson Primary come to Yishun Town next year!
Trust me juniours... U wunt regret it!
Minicup coming soon! Gd luck to everi sch participating in it!
Yi Dao...! Osh!
Fasting month abt to be over in 6 daez time... Still sooo long -.-
Hopefully got ppl come to my hse on Hari Raya!
Invitation open to all my frenz! =)
Come n get ur qing bao! =P

7:42 PM}


Yesterdae, we had a friendly match with Dunman Secondary =)
Omg! Their jersey so nice...
Dark blue n white...
I juz luv it!
I'm so jealous... Lol! =P
Anywae we trashed them again for the third time!
They put up a good fight but we're still the victor in the end
6 sets to 0... Unbelievable huh?
Well believe it coz we're much more taller, faster n stronger than before!
Coach arrived with them at around 3.30
We set up the net, warmed up n started playing asap
Played the first 2 sets then went for break
I was so damn thristy...
We resumed n completed the last 4 sets without break
Sooo fun... Win until shuang!
Aft dat we thanked them for coming all the wae here just to play with us
Dun lose hope Dunman... Jia you! Jia you! Jia you! Jia you!
Then we packed up n got briefed by coach
Realised dat I can officially touch a Secondary standard basketball board
HAHAHA! Beat dat Kong Hock! =P
Went to bubble tea shop again...
Then looked at ppl playing Intial-D outside arcade again
Broke fast at 7 as usual n went home aft dat
Wohoo! So happy todae! =)
Felt like giving everione in the world a hug!

VoLLeYbaLL Is SoOo RoCkInG!!!

7:15 PM}

! Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Todae went to sch by bus
Reached bus stop then suddenly realise dat I left my wallet, handphone n keys at home
Chiong all the wae back there
Grab em n run for it
Luckily I wasn't late or else muz serve DC again... =P
Todae we spent 4 freaking hrs in the hall... 8 all the wae till 12
Sooo damn boring
Felt like dying man
Leg cram...
Butt ache...
Neck pain...
It was torture!
Went to lan shop with frenz immediately aft sch ended
Changed into P.E. attire while playing Warcraft III
Went to training at 3
Gotta do P.T.(Physical Training) with the rest of the team
Started training at 3.30
Coach came at 5+
He looked mad... Wonder y?
Maybe coz we're getting more lousier every training
Aft training, we greeted our principal but got reprimanded for not tucking in our shirts... =(
Then went to bubble tea shop
Bought food at 7-11 n waited till it was 7
Watched ppl played Initial-D outside arcade
Broke fast at 7 n went home aft dat
Got scolding from mum for coming home late
So tensed man! -.-*
Results coming out in two daez time...
Feeling nervous...

10:45 PM}

! Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Juz got back from visiting Jeya from the hospital
Todae so many things happened...
YaY! I can finally make the weird noise Johnny makes with his hands =)
Got back my handphone after 1 long damn week!
N I've also made a conclusion:
AsHLeE SimPSoN RoX To ThE CoRe!!!
Oh yea! N I also saw Yuki again todae
Not surprising at all... =P
Anywae, we went to the National Library this morning
Got a tour of Zheng He's exhibition on the 10th floor
The elevator so fast sia... Whoosh! Kinda makes me feel dizzy *.*
Aft dat we got a tour of the library
Went up to the highest level which was the 16th floor
Dat level was strictly for business meetings but since nobody was there, we were allow to hav a sneak
The windows were curved outwards so dat the room looked like a pod
There was a bar there n loads of tables n chairs
Then we went to the reference section n so on... Blah blah blah...
Aft dat we went back to sch n decided to give Jeya a visit
Used $20 of our class fund to buy him a present
Took the MRT to Novena station n got lost while looking for the bus stop
Stupid Ken la...
Walk here... Walk there...
But got us nowhere!
Luckily, I was around
We wouldn't hav made it to KK Hospital if it wasn't for me =P
Ok la... I dun mean to brag but it was the truth
If I hadn't gone around asking for directions, hu noes wad'll happen next... *-.-
I looked like an idiot, man!
Anywae we arrived at KK Hospital at 3+
Jeya looked quite normal to me
He was as idiotic n rowdy as ever
We talked cock n sang songs till 5.30
Then we went back home
Sooo damn boring sia...
Tml still needa go to sch at 7.15... So early =(
Oh god... It's freaking Wednesdae tml for crying out loud n our usual reporting time is supposed to be 8.45
Y does the world hav to be so damn tough on me like this?
Anywae, I wanna go play liao la... Chill out n release some stress
Peace out!

P.S. AsHLeE! Pls tag me if u're reading this! =)

7:15 PM}

! Monday, October 24, 2005

Went to my holding sch todae!
It was sooo cool =)
Sooo damn big =P
It has:
5 blocks
An ordinary sized field
Basketball court
Parade square
Hall got glass doors n nice sand papered wood flooring
Perfect for VoLLeYbaLL-ing
Canten a bit sucky
But overall it was unbelievable!
Enough abt my sch
Went back to my actual sch at 2
Rehearsed for the coming performance
It was such a waste of time...
Ended at 4 n rushed immediately for training
Arrived 1 hr late
Got scolded by coach all becoz of the stupid rehearsal =(
Quickly changed n realised dat the jersey was a bit yucky... But nonetheless, it was the national colour
Training was veri exhausting...
Sooo damn thristy
Aft training, went to buy bubble tea with frenz
Then stood outside arcade
Looked at ppl playing Initial-D
Walked home slowly
Took shower n got ready to eat
Broke fast at 7
Playing Maple Story now =P
Going to bed soon... ZzZzZ

11:36 PM}

! Saturday, October 22, 2005

Phew! I'm sooo exhausted...
Juz got back from going out with my family n frenz
Saturdae morning is probably the most boring time of the week
Kids Central ended at 2... So early =(
All the other channels were sooo boring
Nth better to watch
From 2 to 4, I spent most of my time giving my blog a few final touches
Finally completed it! As in perfected it =P
Between 4 to 5, it was sooo damn boring...
Quite a few ppl was online but none of them wanted to chat
Frustrated, I was on the edge of breaking down...
With no one here to cheer me...
No, u dunno wad its like...
Yea rite! As if I'm gonna say 'Welcome to my Life'
Anywae I WAS bored to death! ZzZzZ
Fortunately, Luke called n invited me to meet him n Johnny
Phew! So relieved...
Got out of my house asap
Rushed to Luke's house
Met them playing at the fitness corner
First, we:
Played VoLLeYbaLL then...
Badminton then...
Soccer then...
VoLLeYbaLL again then...
Badminton again then...
Soccer again...
So tiring but its better than being bored to death in front of the com
Went to foodcourt at 7 to break my fast with Luke
Johnny fetched his sis from tution n went home immediately... Mummy's Boy
After eating, I sent Luke home
Then I went out with my family to North Point
Went shopping...
Bought all kinds of stuff
Sport shoes, shirts, pants, socks, Ashlee Simpson's lastest album - I AM ME n more!
Gonna listen to it first thing in the morning
I think dat I've spent abt $100+ todae
All my money flew awae juz like dat... Whoosh! Xx$$$xX
I'm broke!
Waz next...

11:02 PM}

! Friday, October 21, 2005

Yesterdae was so damn tiring sia...
Woke up at 9
Went to sch at 10
Rehearsed for some stupid performance... -.-"
Then rushed to lan shop
Met my volleyball mate there
He was supposed to go for the rehearsal with me but instead the bloody fool went to play CS
He knew dat I luved CS n he didn't even invited me to play with him... Bloody fool =X
Played CS with him for an hr
Changed into my P.E. attire while playing
Quite frustrating actually... Imagine someone shooting at u while u're half naked...
Time was up, Auntie shoo-ed us out
Went back to sch with him
Wait for the rest of the team to arrive
Started warming up although it was so damn bloody hot n most of us were already warm
Ms Tay, our teacher-in-charge arrived
Distributed our jerseys
It was red and white in colour... National colour, Mizuno!
I got No. 5 btw... So happy =)
Everybody clapped n sang a lame song each time 1 of us was receiving it
Ms Tay told us abt our opponents in the Minicup
Resumed training...
Coach came
I suffered the most as I was fasting... Sad huh =(
Coach damn sadistic... Purposely made me spike balls even though I was Knocked Out!
Everyone was quite LAN at first but we recovered our skills in no time
Stupid Ah Pui tried to tempt me in breaking my fast n forced me to drink
Training ended at 6
Phew! Wad a relieve... =P
Took my time to get home
Reached home at exactly 7
Which meant that I could already break my fast... Wohoo!
Took a shower n played com games
Completed my blog
Went to sleep at 2 in the morning... ZzZzZ

6:26 PM}


YaY! Finally completed my blog after 2 sleepless nights. Weeee! This is sooo cool! Anywae since this is my first post, might as well make it interesting...

Guess huz back?

Back again...

Yoz! It's me again...

Syaf. =)

From APS...n YTSS.

Living life to the fullest.

With cool frenz n mates.

No regrets.

Peace out! =P

12:44 PM}